St Mark’s Church, Clerkenwell

St Mark’s is a typically “Anglican” parish: unlike its neighbours it is neither Anglo-Catholic nor Evangelical in tradition, and attracts worshippers who are comfortable with a restrained, recognizably Anglican liturgy. It is the hub of the local community and has been described as a country church in an urban setting.

St Mark’s uses Common Worship on Sundays and the English Hymnal, and the Sunday liturgy is modern catholic – vestments, candles etc. Incense is not used and the sacrament is not currently reserved.

There is a pricket stand near the font where candles can be lit. 7 day candles may be placed in St Mark’s/ Lady Chapel. This Chapel is currently used for the Wednesday evening BCP communion.

We greatly value the children of our community and have strong links with Clerkenwell Parochial School, 4th Clerkenwell Guide group, and 1st Islington (Acorns) Scout Group. There is a Sunday School during the Liturgy of our regular Sunday Sung Eucharist. Children are encouraged to become servers, read lessons, assist as sidesmen, etc. and take a pride in being part of our community. There is a dedicated children’s area in the north aisle.

Service Times

Sunday mornings:
9.30am – 10.30am
Sung Eucharist with Sunday School,
followed by refreshments.

Wednesday evenings:
6pm – 6.25pm Evening Prayer
6.30pm – 7.00pm
Said Eucharist
(Book of Common Prayer Communion),
followed by Bible Study and Fellowship

Saturday mornings:
10am – 10.25am Morning Prayer

1st Sunday of every month:
9.30am Sung Eucharist and Church Parade
for 4th Clerkenwell Guide Group
followed by Parish Breakfast
6.30pm Evensong with music and readings
followed by refreshments.

A Fair Trade stall is held after both services.