St Mark’s Church, Clerkenwell
St Mark’s is an Anglican parish: unlike its neighbours it is neither Anglo-Catholic nor Evangelical in tradition, and attracts worshippers who are comfortable with a restrained, recognizably Anglican liturgy. It is the hub of the local community and has been described as a country church in an urban setting.
St Mark’s uses Common Worship on Sundays and the English Hymnal, and the Sunday liturgy is modern catholic – vestments, candles etc. Incense is not used and the sacrament is not currently reserved.
There is a pricket stand near the font where candles can be lit. 7 day candles may be placed in St Mark’s/ Lady Chapel. This Chapel is currently used for the Wednesday evening communion at 6.30pm .
We greatly value the children of our community and have strong links with 4th Clerkenwell Guide group, and 1st Islington (Acorns) Scout Group. There is a Sunday School during the Liturgy of our regular Sunday Sung Eucharist. Children are encouraged to become servers, read lessons, assist as sidesmen, etc. and take a pride in being part of our community. There is a dedicated children’s area in the north aisle.
Service Times
Sunday mornings:
9.30am – 10.30am
Sung Eucharist with Sunday School,
followed by refreshments.
Wednesday evenings:
6.30pm – 7.00pm
Said Eucharist
(Traditional Language)
1st Sunday of every month:
6.30pm Choral Evensong with music and readings followed by refreshments.
(some dates vary: see the Events & Bookings page)